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Pavilion Theatre  

Design and production of posters, brochures, adverts & programmes for ‘Seaside Special’, a traditional summer show put on every year for over twenty years. Mainly using digital images taken from my original artwork (‘Pavilion’ deckchair & pixelated pier & ‘Oils’ Messianic Legacy) and used for all publicity material to convey a ‘corporate’ style.

Colourful, consistent and original images were chosen each year. These were introduced after many years of dayglo posters etc and an eclectic mix of styles with no overall image. It was felt by the management that although the show was traditional, the marketing still needed to be brought up to date in order to be eye catching to a wider public. In addition, this needed to be done in a sympathetic, slightly more upmarket way while retaining old fashioned values and not becoming too modern.

Relatively simple images with mainly primary colours were best suited for the dual purpose of being attention grabbing and plain enough to accommodate overlaid text and logos without any sort of conflict or overload of information. Once the initial materials were supplied at the beginning of the year further work was required throughout the season for updated advertising, concert listings and media press releases. Posters were also produced for celebrity concerts - from ‘The Water Rats’ to jazz bands appearing at the theatre. For examples of Seaside Special promotions that we have done click on the links below.

Seaside Special 1999

Seaside Special 2000

Scott Butler

Worked with this producer of 'Folk on the Pier' Festival, seasonal festivals in North Norfolk, England. Designed and oversaw production of posters, programmes and flyers for 1st & 2nd ‘Folk on the Pier’ festival held in May 1999 and 2000.

A consistent style was wanted to advertise these events, one which was distinctive and would be easily recognised as its image; in addition it was felt that the best way to promote the festival was to attempt to show the history, ‘feel’ and ‘roots’ of this scenic area.

The festival is held on a pier, with events and workshops going on in the immediate area of the beach and promenade, so it was decided to use archive photographs relating to the area and local crab fishermen, whose families have fished here for generations (many still do) - the true locals.

In order to do this the local museum was visited. This produced a treasure trove of hundreds of black & white and sepia photographs of the area. After considerable thought the best suited images were chosen and copyright permission obtained, paid for and credited wherever possible.

The pocket size programme was compiled in Quark and included a timetable of events, advertising, biographies and photographs of the artists appearing and credits to the crew - the major work being collecting all these items from many different sources and collating them all in a balanced and consistent format. All the publicity material was produced in Quark & Photoshop and supplied press ready to the printer. For examples of promotions that we have done for Scott Butler click on the links below

Folk On the Pier flyer 1999

First Folk On the Pier ad 2001

Folk On the Pier flyer 2001

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